DOI: 10.1515/crelle-2024-0096 ISSN: 0075-4102

CscK metrics near the canonical class

Bin Guo, Wangjian Jian, Yalong Shi, Jian Song


Let 𝑋 be a Kähler manifold with semiample canonical bundle

K X K_{X}
. It is proved in [W. Jian, Y. Shi and J. Song, A remark on constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics on minimal models, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147 (2019), 8, 3507–3513] that, for any Kähler class 𝛾, there exists
δ > 0 \delta>0
such that, for all
t ∈ ( 0 , δ ) t\in(0,\delta)
, there exists a unique cscK metric
g t g_{t}
K X + t ⁢ γ K_{X}+t\gamma
. In this paper, we prove that
{ ( X , g t ) } t ∈ ( 0 , δ ) \{(X,g_{t})\}_{t\in(0,\delta)}
have uniformly bounded Kähler potentials, volume forms and diameters. As a consequence, these metric spaces are pre-compact in the Gromov–Hausdorff sense.

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