DOI: 10.1063/10.0031680 ISSN: 0360-0335

Critical fields and defect structure of vanadium deformed at 4.2 K

V. K. Aksenov, I. A. Gindin, V. I. Sokolenko, Ya. D. Starodubov

The variation of the second critical field Hc2 in coarse-grain vanadium due to torsional strain at 4.2 K is studied. In the region of elastic deformation, a slight increase in the value of Hc2 is observed. Beyond the yield point, the strain in a vanadium sample is nonuniform. In the regions of localized plastic flow (twin boundaries or large dislocation pile-ups), Hc2 and Tc increase due to an increase in the electron–phonon interaction constant.

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