DOI: 10.1177/14705931251313778 ISSN: 1470-5931

Convivial circularities for degrowth: The case of upcycling

Handan Vicdan, Zeynep Ozdamar Ertekin, Deniz Atik

This study illustrates a critique of circular fashion practices using empirical insights from upcycling to highlight its potentials and limits for a degrowth transition in circular fashion. Acknowledging valuable marketing research on the motivations, benefits, and challenges of consumer upcycling, we investigate the often-overlooked domain of institutional upcycling practices, through interviews with diverse industry actors and secondary data analysis. Our analysis advances critical and theoretical debates on degrowth and circular fashion by examining how the socio-ecological value of upcycled waste is realized through institutional upcycling practices. Accordingly, we elucidate the emerging dynamics of degrowth circularity, demonstrating how these dynamics challenge and expand the degrowth principle of conviviality. Findings articulate the diverse convivialities necessary for a degrowth transition in circular fashion. Specifically, we highlight neo-material and more-than-human relationality as essential organizing principles of conviviality for degrowth circularity.

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