Marie-Louise Kampmann, Jan Fleckhaus, Claus Børsting, Helena Jurtikova, Alice Piters, Julien Papin, Quentin Gauthier, Mirna Ghemrawi, Christian Doutremepuich, Bruce McCord, Peter M Schneider, Jiri Drabek, Niels Morling

Collaborative exercise: analysis of age estimation using a QIAGEN protocol and the PyroMark Q48 platform

  • Psychiatry and Mental health
  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  • Anthropology
  • Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
  • Pathology and Forensic Medicine
  • Analytical Chemistry

Abstract Human age estimation from trace samples may give important leads early in a police investigation by contributing to the description of the perpetrator. Several molecular biomarkers are available for the estimation of chronological age, and currently, DNA methylation patterns are the most promising. In this study, a QIAGEN age protocol for age estimation was tested by five forensic genetic laboratories. The assay comprised bisulfite treatment of the extracted DNA, amplification of five CpG loci (in the genes of ELOVL2, C1orf132, TRIM59, KLF14, and FHL2), and sequencing of the amplicons using the PyroMark Q48 platform. Blood samples from 49 individuals with ages ranging from 18 to 64 years as well as negative and methylation controls were analysed. An existing age estimation model was applied to display a mean absolute deviation (MAD) of 3.62 years within the reference data set.

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