D. V. Karamyshev, L. P. Hordiienko, M. I. Lytvynenko- General Medicine
Abstract. The article studies the complex problem of formation and development of civil–military interaction in the field of organization of medical evacuation support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the conditions of a unified medical space functioning. The purpose of the study is to substantiate conceptual provisions, generalize organizational and legal principles and methodological approaches, and formulate proposals for arrangement the activities of civil–military interaction structures in the direction of solving a complex of interdepartmental issues regarding the organization and development of the system of medical evacuation support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It was found that an effective tool for solving the problems of medical evacuation support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the introduction of effective mechanisms of civil–military interaction and the adjustment of the activities of the relevant structures, which includes the formation of the organizational and legal foundations of such interaction in the context of the implementation of the Military Medical Doctrine of Ukraine and on the basis of a clear understanding of the operational needs in the medical evacuation support of the troops in the conditions of martial law. It has been established that the need for integration into the unified medical space of Ukraine involves the construction of an integral system of medical evacuation support for the troops in combination with the resource capabilities of the civilian health care system, and also determines the unity of views on the organization, tactics and procedure for the use of forces and means of medical services and ensures the capacity of civilian health care facilities for medical evacuation support of military personnel, which is an important military medical factor of such cooperation. A clear understanding of the capabilities of the medical evacuation support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine based on specific approaches is offered, which should include those that will contribute to the management of medical evacuation support at the appropriate levels; conducting effective medical evacuation measures and appropriate support, as well as medical protection measures for the personnel of the troops, etc. The importance of defining and clearly demarcating levels of medical care and necessary resources has been proven, which will provide an opportunity to work out real interdepartmental civil–military interaction and establish a system of medical evacuation support for servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the conditions of the unified medical space.