Childhood abuse and depression among Chinese male prisoners: Selfesteem and coping style as mediators
Zhichao Wang, Huiyan Qiu, Wendong Han- Social Psychology
We explored the mediating effects of self-esteem and coping styles on depression in male prisoners with a history of childhood abuse. Participants were 809 male prisoners in a Chinese prison, who responded to the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Self-Esteem Scale, the Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire, and the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. The results revealed that (a) self-esteem and coping style mediated the association between childhood abuse and depression among male prisoners, and (b) self-esteem and coping style played a chain mediating role in the relationship between childhood abuse and depression. However, these effects varied between different types of abuse. The findings enhance comprehension of the mechanisms underlying the relationship between childhood abuse and depression, and provide valuable information for the effective improvement of mental health status among male prisoners.