DOI: 10.1029/2023rs007658 ISSN: 0048-6604

Characterizing Plasma Peak Density Thickness in the Ionosphere: A Single‐Site Multi‐Instrument Study

Mohamed O. Shammat, Bodo W. Reinisch, Ivan Galkin, Philip J. Erickson, Jay A. Weitzen, William C. Rideout
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • Condensed Matter Physics


This paper introduces the Peak Density Thickness (PDT) formalism, a novel approach to representing the F2 layer's vertical electron density profile in the ionosphere. It diverges from the conventional “pointed‐peak” model by suggesting a “broad‐peak” or “flat‐nose” profile where plasma density remains constant within an altitude interval χ. This theory is backed by independent observations, including a comprehensive data set from the Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar at the MIT Haystack observatory, spanning from 1993 to 2023, which illustrates the presence and diurnal variation of PDT. A single‐day intensive cross‐verification using Digisonde Portable Sounder DPS4D soundings of the sub‐peak ionosphere has shown remarkable agreement in the measurements of the lower boundary of the χ interval and the peak density. This study suggests incorporating the flat‐nose section χ into the F‐region profile formalism. Such a shift could improve the accuracy of topside specifications derived from ground‐based ionosonde measurements, enhancing our understanding of ionospheric plasma dynamics.

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