Anis Cerovac, Enida Nevačinović, Dubravko Habek, Antonio Simone Laganà, Vito Chiantera, Antoine Naem, Ermin Čehić, Ramiz Halilović, Elmedina Cerovac, Tarik Zulović

Capabilities of perinatal healthcare institutions in primary and tertiary care of low birth weight infants in the federation of bosnia and herzegovina: A cross-sectional multicentric study

  • General Medicine
  • Surgery

Introduction: Providing adequate healthcare for premature infants is an important issue in perinatal medicine. The aim of this study is to assess the level of the perinatal healthcare institution (PHI) where the newborns were delivered and the possibilities of transporting them to the cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We also aimed to examine the overall survival of low birth-weight infants (LBWI) in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and to compare the survival of newborns according to the PHI where they were born and the PHI where they were treated. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included newborns of both genders that were born in the maternity wards in 10 cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a gestational age between 22 and 42 weeks, and a birth weight less than 2500 g. Result: From the PHI of the first and second level, 159 newborns were referred to the third level. A total of 159/669 (23.7%) were referred from a second level PHI to a third level PHI, and 127/669 (l8.9%) LBWI were definitely taken care of. A total of 513/669 (76.8%) LBWI were definitely taken care of in the third level PHI. Out of a total of 159 LBWI referred from other PHI, only 31 (19.5%) LBWI were transported in less than 4 hours, and 128 (80.5%) newborns were admitted to the third level PHI within 4 hours of birth (P <0.0001). In second level PHI, most LBWI died in the first 12 hours after birth, while in third level PHI, 69.2% of LBWI died after one week of life. Conclusion: Based on world experience and assessment of the situation in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is necessary to take measures to improve perinatal care and its regional organization.

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