DOI: 10.46572/naturengs.1398733 ISSN: 2717-8013

BJWT-EHR: A novel JWT based Blockchain System for Electronic Health Records

Hamit MIZRAK, Serpil ASLAN, Muhammed YILDIRIM
  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • General Environmental Science
Since most transactions in the world now take place digitally, it is crucial to maintain data integrity, share data securely, and provide quick access to it. Our reliance on computers in our daily lives is growing, and new data will inevitably be generated to meet this need. Providing for safe data exchange is becoming increasingly crucial every day. Maintaining and safeguarding the security of this data is crucial. Recently, the term "blockchain" has been used extensively for data security. A decentralized digital ledger called blockchain is in charge of preserving data integrity and facilitating safe data sharing. Blockchain transfers data by the principle of transparency, records data one way, and prevents reverse engineering. According to reports, blockchain is the general term for the technology that promotes common data sharing of these recorded data and reduces access times, essential for preserving data security. There are several risks to patients' privacy when information from medical records is stolen or altered. The damage caused by malicious people with this information causes serious harm to both the patient and the financing institution. Therefore, cloud-based EHR (electronic health records) is becoming a focal point in many areas. Storing patient data, ensuring data accuracy, protecting data confidentiality, and ensuring fast data transmission in the cloud system is a significant concerns in the healthcare industry. In this study, the layered architecture structure is also addressed in addition to the blockchain for sharing health data with the help of cloud service providers while providing data access control and auditing for EHR records. To enter this layered architectural system, new solutions are proposed by applying JWT (JSON web token) and hashing function of patient information. This proposed method manages and controls the patient's health records electronically. Therefore, these technologies used in the blockchain platform open new doors to more secure and sustainable solutions.

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