Bird Species Detection Net: Bird Species Detection Based on the Extraction of Local Details and Global Information Using a Dual-Feature Mixer
Chaoyang Li, Zhipeng He, Kai Lu, Chaoyang FangBird species detection is critical for applications such as the analysis of bird population dynamics and species diversity. However, this task remains challenging due to local structural similarities and class imbalances among bird species. Currently, most deep learning algorithms focus on designing local feature extraction modules while ignoring the importance of global information. However, this global information is essential for accurate bird species detection. To address this limitation, we propose BSD-Net, a bird species detection network. BSD-Net efficiently learns local and global information in pixels to accurately detect bird species. BSD-Net consists of two main components: a dual-branch feature mixer (DBFM) and a prediction balancing module (PBM). The dual-branch feature mixer extracts features from dichotomous feature segments using global attention and deep convolution, expanding the network’s receptive field and achieving a strong inductive bias, allowing the network to distinguish between similar local details. The prediction balance module balances the difference in feature space based on the pixel values of each category, thereby resolving category imbalances and improving the network’s detection accuracy. The experimental results using two public benchmarks and a self-constructed Poyang Lake Bird dataset demonstrate that BSD-Net outperforms existing methods, achieving 45.71% and 80.00% mAP50 with the CUB-200-2011 and Poyang Lake Bird datasets, respectively, and 66.03% AP with FBD-SV-2024, allowing for more accurate location and species information for bird detection tasks in video surveillance.