DOI: 10.3390/electronics13010116 ISSN: 2079-9292

Automated Hyperparameter Tuning in Reinforcement Learning for Quadrupedal Robot Locomotion

MyeongSeop Kim, Jung-Su Kim, Jae-Han Park
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Computer Networks and Communications
  • Hardware and Architecture
  • Signal Processing
  • Control and Systems Engineering

In reinforcement learning, the reward function has a significant impact on the performance of the agent. However, determining the appropriate value of this reward function requires many attempts and trials. Although many automated reinforcement learning methods have been proposed to find an appropriate reward function, their proof is lacking in complex environments such as quadrupedal locomotion. In this paper, we propose a method to automatically tune the scale of the dominant reward functions in reinforcement learning of a quadrupedal robot. Reinforcement learning of the quadruped robot is very sensitive to the reward function, and recent outstanding research results have put a lot of effort into reward shaping. In this paper, we propose an automated reward shaping method that automatically adjusts the reward function scale appropriately. We select some dominant reward functions, arrange their weights in a certain unit, and then calculate their gait scores so that we can select the agent with the highest score. This gait score was defined to reflect the stable walking of the quadrupedal robot. Additionally, quadrupedal locomotion learning requires reward functions of different scales depending on the robot’s size and shape. Therefore, we evaluate the performance of the proposed method on two different robots.

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