DOI: 10.1097/js9.0000000000000582 ISSN: 1743-9159

Assessment of laparoscopic intracorporeal intestinal anastomosis training using simulation-based 3D printed models: exploring surgical performance and learning curves

Jianfu Xia, Junjie Wu, Hao Chen, Jinlei Mao, Xiaodong Xu, Jing Zhang, Jin Yang, Zhifei Wang
  • General Medicine
  • Surgery

Background and Aims:

Intestinal anastomosis is a clinical procedure widely used to reconstruct the digestive tract, but authentic laparoscopic intracorporeal intestinal anastomosis (LIIA) models are lacking. However, three-dimensional (3D) printing can enable authentic and reusable models. In this paper, a novel cost-effective 3D-printing training model of LIIA is designed and the authenticity and validity of the model are tested.


A fused deposition modeling 3D printing and an assembled lab model were built to test LIIA. Fifteen surgeons were required to perform LIIA, and their operation score and time were recorded and analyzed. Five experts were invited to assess the face and content validity of the models. A study was also performed to further evaluate and validate the learning curve of surgeons.


The difference in modified anastomosis objective structured assessment of technical skills (MAOSATS) scores between the expert, intermediate, and novice groups were significant (64.1±1.8: 48.5±1.7: 29.5±3.1, P<0.001). In addition, the operation time of the procedure was statistically different for all three groups (21.5±1.9: 30.6±2.8:70.7±4.0, P<0.001). The five experts rated the face and content validity of the model very highly, with the median being four out of five. Surgeons who underwent repeated training programs showed improved surgical performance. After eight training sessions, the novices’ performance was similar to that of the average level of untrained intermediates, while the operation scores of the intermediates were close to that of the average level of experts.


In this study, it is found that the LIIA model exhibits excellent face, content, and construct validity. Repeated simulation training of the LIIA training program improved the surgeon’s operative performance, so the model is considered one of the most effective methods for LIIA training and assessment of surgical quality in the future and for reducing healthcare costs.

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