DOI: 10.52403/ijshr.20230441 ISSN: 2455-7587

Assessing the Efficacy of Ferrum Arsenicosum Mitigating Nutritional Anemia Among Young Adolescent Girls: A Pilot Study

Surekha T, Rambabu Ch
  • Automotive Engineering

Nutritional anemia is a prevalent health concern, particularly in young girls age ranging from 15-30 years identifying the cause of different issues in the girls caused because of nutritional anemia is very crucial. This study is done to know the effectiveness of Ferrum Arsenicosum in improving nutritional anemia. Participants were administered Ferrum Arsenicosum under controlled conditions, and their hemoglobin levels were monitored over a specified period. 100 students were screened out of which 75 students were anemic. 20 samples were taken consent and administered Ferrum Ars -30CH for 3months. The study was analyzed statistically where Ferrum-Arsenicosum is showed drastic improvement in Hb% levels. Keywords: Nutritional anaemia, Haemoglobin, Iron, Ferrum-Arsenicosum, Anaemia Mukt Bharat

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