Daniela Monje, Francisco Sierra Caballero

Artificial intelligence: The blind spot of info-communication platform policy-making and regulation in Latin America

  • Sociology and Political Science
  • Media Technology
  • Communication

The social dimension of artificial intelligence is a strategic line of research that has been barely addressed to date in relation to information and communication technology policy-making. Debates on new expert information systems have generally revolved around taxation, content moderation, security, privacy and transparency, in addition to new forms of assessment that artificial intelligence assumes in platform capitalism. The existing theoretical and regulatory gaps require, however, a comprehensive approach to the economic, political, philosophical, geopolitical and ecological aspects of communication in the relations between states, international bodies and global corporations. Accordingly, the aim here is to review the state of the art of policy-making on artificial intelligence in Latin America as well as to draw a number of parallels with the current situation in the European Union for the purpose of performing an exploratory analysis on the main regulatory challenges facing public policy-makers from a practical and theoretical perspective.

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