Are we ready for the next pandemic: Disease X
Ali Kemal Erenler, Behice Hande Erenler, Ahmet BaydinDisease X is a term that defines a disease with a potential to cause the next pandemic. Disease X may result from various agents including viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and prions. Disease X is estimated to be a zoonosis, most likely an RNA virus, which may easily be transmitted among humans. Former diseases that have similarities with Disease X were HIV, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Zika, Ebola and the most recently COVID-19. Other potential agents that may cause Disease X are Ebola and Marburg virus, Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever, Lassa fever, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), Rift valley fever, Zika fever, Nipah and Henipaviral diseases. As the number of activities in the wildlife and consumption of uncontrolled animal source foods increases, it is inevitable to experience pandemics in the future. In addition, climate change is another reason for emergence of novel viruses. Possible pathogens in exotic animals and animal products should be controlled and sampled. Measures such as scientific collaboration between clinicians and public health officials, avoidance of disinformation, travel limitations and screening of the passengers with technological devices, an active surveillance system involving widespread testing, social distancing and quarantine should be maintained.