Pedro Racha-Pacheco, Jorge T. Ribeiro, José Afonso

Architecture towards Technology—A Prototype Design of a Smart Home

  • Building and Construction
  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Architecture

Humanity’s way of life has been irreversibly transformed by new technological advancements during the past decades. Although such technological innovations have been gradually transposed into architecture, their full integration is not yet achieved. This article addresses the issue of incorporating cutting-edge technologies (such as smart thermostats, lighting sensors, security cameras, remote commands, graphic user interfaces, smartphones, mobile apps, gestures, voice commands, etc.) into urban small-scale residential architecture, in the future evolution context. For this purpose, a methodology was conceived that the main concepts regarding automation and information networks were researched, as well as their practice in some reference architecture cases. The guidelines for the prototype architectonic design were defined based on the previous knowledge acquired. Then, a prototype design of an intelligent home was iteratively developed as a machine for living in constant change. It was expected to contribute to increasing and disseminating knowledge in these fields, explaining their benefits and limitations. The prototype design presented in this article contributes to sensitizing architecture professionals to the importance of integrated and systematized thinking in all procedures of a smart home design.

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