Anna Michalska-Falkowska, Jacek Niklinski, Hartmut Juhl, Anetta Sulewska, Joanna Kisluk, Radoslaw Charkiewicz, Michal Ciborowski, Rodryg Ramlau, Robert Gryczka, Cezary Piwkowski, Miroslaw Kozlowski, Borys Miskiewicz, Przemyslaw Biecek, Karolina Wnorowska, Zofia Dzieciol-Anikiej, Karine Sargsyan, Wojciech Naumnik, Robert Mroz, Joanna Reszec-Gielazyn

Applied Molecular-Based Quality Control of Biobanked Samples for Multi-Omics Approach

  • Cancer Research
  • Oncology

Biobanks are vital for high-throughput translational research, but the rapid development of novel molecular techniques, especially in omics assays, poses challenges to traditional practices and recommendations. In our study, we used biospecimens from oncological patients in Polish clinics and collaborated with the Indivumed Group. For serum/plasma samples, we monitored hemolysis, controlled RNA extraction, assessed cDNA library quality and quantity, and verified NGS raw data. Tissue samples underwent pathologic evaluation to confirm histology and determine tumor content. Molecular quality control measures included evaluating the RNA integrity number, assessing cDNA library quality and quantity, and analyzing NGS raw data. Our study yielded the creation of distinct workflows for conducting preanalytical quality control of serum/plasma and fresh-frozen tissue samples. These workflows offer customization options to suit the capabilities of different biobanking entities. In order to ensure the appropriateness of biospecimens for advanced research applications, we introduced molecular-based quality control methods that align with the demands of high-throughput assays. The novelty of proposed workflows, rooted in innovative molecular techniques, lies in the integration of these QC methods into a comprehensive schema specifically designed for high-throughput research applications.

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