DOI: 10.2514/1.j064078 ISSN: 0001-1452

Application of Time-Variant Systems Theory to the Unsteady Aerodynamics of Rotary Wings

David Quero

This work employs the principles of time-variant systems theory to investigate the unsteady aerodynamics of rotary-wing configurations under periodic equilibrium conditions. Their application enables an extension of the pulse technique for system identification, as well as the adaptation of the linear-frequency-domain formulation commonly utilized in fixed-wing to rotary-wing scenarios. These methodologies effectively incorporate the aerodynamic nonlinearities associated with the equilibrium state into an efficient time-variant linearized representation of the unsteady aerodynamics. To promote its application in the context of rotary-wing aeroelasticity, a state-space realization based on a periodic autoregressive model with exogenous input is subsequently employed. Upon transformation from discrete to continuous time, the resulting aerodynamic model adopts a linear continuous-time periodic state-space formulation, offering compatibility for its coupling with a wide range of structural models. The proposed aerodynamic framework tailored to rotary-wing aeroelasticity holds applicability across a spectrum of aerodynamic models of arbitrary complexity, spanning from incompressible potential flow approximations to potentially more sophisticated methods. Showcasing the potential of this framework, the widely studied lossy Mathieu equation and the aerodynamic response to a flap perturbation about the periodic equilibrium condition of a prototypical rotor blade section, incorporating nonlinearities through an analytical dynamic stall model, are considered.

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