DOI: 10.36108/nje/3202/93.0130 ISSN: 0331-0094

Application of New Technology in Mapping and Distribution of Termites and Termitarium in Oyigbo Local Government, Port Harcourt

O. M. Azeez, U. Zakka, E. I. Miebaka, V. A. Oyedokun, W. I. Ogege
  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • General Environmental Science

GIS and Remote sensing are new technology deployed in solving entomological related problems, which is more efficient with large area coverage, including inaccessible farm land and cost effective. They are handy with tools to capture, determine location, manipulate, analyze and visualize objects like termitarium in the study area. A survey was carried out to determine the types and proportions of mound-building termites occurring in Obunka-Egberu communities (Afam), Oyigbo Local Government Area. Three species of mound-building termites, namely; Ancistrotermes latinotus, Amitermes evuncifer and Amitermes species were observed to occur in the study areas. However, A evuncifer is the dominant mound –building termite in the study area. The termitaria are of different type and colour at different depth of the soil sample. The height of the dead termitaria was lower than those of the live ones. Irregular shapes of termitaria occurred in the location of different type; 70 % of the termitaria were dome, while the remaining ones were cathedral, iconic and arboreal.

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