Application of a 3D bioprinter: jet technology for ‘biopatch’ development using cells on hydrogel supports
Derek C DeMel, Grayson A Wagner, Jamie A Maresca, John P Geibel- General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Biotechnology
Additive manufacturing (3D printing) has been deployed across multiple platforms to fabricate bioengineered tissues. We demonstrate the use of a Thermal Inkjet Pipette System (TIPS) for targeted delivery of cells onto manufactured substrates to design bio-bandages. Two cell lines – HEK 293 (kidney) and K7M2 wt (bone) – were applied using TIPS. We demonstrate a novel means for targeted cell delivery to a hydrogel support structure. These cell/support constructs (bio-bandages) had a high viability for survival and growth over extended periods. Combining a flexible biosupport with application of cells via TIPS printing now for the first time allows for custom cell substrate constructs with various densities to be deployed for regenerative medicine applications.