Ramona Montironi, Valentina Tosto, Dayana Quintili, Daniele Crescenzi, Giovanna Irene Battistoni, Giovanni Cobellis, Stefano Raffaele Giannubilo, Andrea Ciavattini

Antenatal Diagnosis and Management of Fetal Intestinal Volvulus: Case Series and Literature Review

  • General Medicine

Fetal intestinal volvulus is a rare condition that can lead to hemorrhage, bowel necrosis, and urgent surgical treatment after birth. Thus, prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential to avoiding fetal or neonatal demise. Prenatal ultrasound is a keystone tool in the diagnostic course. However, sonographic findings tend to be non-specific, with limited understanding of the pathophysiology behind their atypical presentation. With a literature review and a case series, we aim to optimize the antenatal diagnosis and management of this rare but life-threatening condition. Six cases from our institution were retrospectively analyzed over 12 years. A literature review was conducted until December 2022. A total of 300 articles matched the keyword “Fetal volvulus”, and 52 studies were eligible for the review. Our 6 cases are added to the 107 cases reported in the literature of fetal intestinal volvulus with antenatal ultrasound assessment and without associated gastroschisis or omphalocele. Several prenatal symptoms and ultrasound markers, even if not specific, were more frequently reported. Different experiences of management were described regarding follow-up, the timing of delivery, the mode of delivery, and surgery outcomes. This paper highlights the importance of suspecting and assessing fetal volvulus at routine ultrasound scans, describing the most frequent antenatal presentations and management in order to improve fetal and neonatal outcomes.

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