DOI: 10.11648/j.frontiers.20240404.16 ISSN: 2994-7197

Analysis of Wheat Seed Supply System in the Wheat-Dominated Smallholder Farming System in West Arsi and East Showa Zones, Oromia National Regional State

Beriso Bukul
In Ethiopia, lower productivity of wheat production has been one of the significant contributors to food insecurity. Considerable efforts have been made by the government, NGOs and researchers in generating, introducing and disseminating appropriate wheat technologies to boost the production and productivity of wheat. The objective of this study was to identify the status and performance of wheat seed supply and factors that determine wheat seed supply system in West Arsi and East Shewa zones. A multi-stage random sampling procedure was used to select 240 sample wheat producers from both zones using probability proportional to size. Secondary data were also used. Descriptive statistics and econometric model were used to analyze data. Descriptive statistics and econometric model were used to analyze data. In both zones formal, informal, and alternative wheat seed systems co-exist which accounts for 18.955, 31.791 and 49.25%, respectively. Access to market and market information and credit service plays an important role in accessing of improved wheat seed supply system by smallholders’ farmers. Therefore, any interventions that make farmers access to above mentioned service of the households have better enhances farmer’s access to wheat seed in the area. Total land cultivated and farm experiences effect farmer’s access to wheat seed supply system. Therefore, total land allocated for wheat production and farm experience have a positive effect on farmers access to wheat seed supply system. Therefore, total land cultivated should be increased by using rent-in and shared-in land to enhance access of wheat seed supply systems and farm experience have to be increased by providing different training. Based on the results obtained, the study suggests that the government and stakeholders should focus on strengthening the provision of formal and informal training, arranging experience sharing program, enhancing farmer’s resource endowment in order to increase access to wheat seed supply in the study area. It is, therefore, expected that the seed producers should be capacitated through accessing credit and logistics, farm machineries, seed processing plant, store and capability (motivated and competent human resource) of seed producers to supply quality seed that could meet the zonal seed demand. Incentive mechanisms need to be devised and implemented to increase participation of cooperative unions, primary seed producer cooperatives, agents/agro-dealers and private sectors in the seed industry. Moreover, there is a need to provide training on the part of government to seed producers and agents/agro dealers on seed marketing mix.

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