DOI: 10.2478/amns.2023.1.00436 ISSN: 2444-8656

Analysis of music teaching technology based on a data mining model

Bin Niu
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Engineering (miscellaneous)
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • General Computer Science


As an important middle ground between the theory of teaching and the practice of teaching, the type of teaching can not only teach teaching in the field of theory but also develop practical processes and develop effective and efficient strategies for specific teaching. The author proposes an online teaching tool for music lessons based on ZigBee. Hardware includes transmitter, sound sensor, and manager, DIN rail type online help manual to add to the transmitter to improve the combination of transmitter and other devices; The primary output current of the sensor is 15 mA, the working voltage is DC12-24 V ± 10, the sensor is connected to other devices with two wires, the control capacity memory is 256 GB, and the chip is CC2430. is added to improve system sensitivity. Chip Software Systems is known for its storage, data management, integration, and online solutions. Also, only information technology will be used to teach the “Learning with Technology” music model. Experiments show that the application system can not only complete the online service of the music class but also improve the teaching of the music class.

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