Refiesta Ratu Anderha, Walid ., Kartono .

Analysis of Flipped Classroom Learning with a Scientific Approach to Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability in View of Self Efficacy

  • General Mathematics

Opportunity is material at the junior high school level that is easy to relate to the problems of everyday life. Even so, there are still findings that show students' difficulties and errors in solving opportunity problems. Students' disbelief in their ability to solve problems is thought to be an obstacle for students, besides that the learning model and approaches implemented in schools are one of the factors in improving students' problem-solving abilities. However, further research is needed to prove it. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of flipped classroom learning with a scientific approach in terms of student self-efficacy, as well as to describe students' mathematical problem-solving abilities on opportunity material in terms of students' self-efficacy in solving problems. The research subjects were class VIII students of SMP IT Insan Cendekia Semarang. The results of the study show that flipped classroom learning with a scientific approach is proven to be effective in improving students' problem-solving abilities. In addition, the level of self-efficacy of students also shows that students who are in the category of higher self-efficacy tend to have better problem-solving skills. This result is proven by The results of the study show that flipped classroom learning with a scientific approach is proven to be effective in improving students' problem solving abilities. In addition, the level of self-efficacy of students also shows that students who are in the category of higher self-efficacy tend to have better problem-solving skills. This result is proven by the results of the study show that flipped classroom learning with a scientific approach is proven to be effective in improving students' problem-solving abilities. In addition, the level of self-efficacy of students also shows that students who are in the category of higher self-efficacy tend to have better problem-solving abilities. This result proven that there is an influence between students' self-efficacy on the mathematical problem-solving abilities of students who are taught using the flipped classroom learning model with a scientific approach. So, in other words, self-efficacy has a positive effect on students' problem-solving abilities. Keywords: problem solving ability, flipped classroom, self-efficacy, scientific approach

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