Ishak Ramli, Mumtaz Mokhtar, Mohamad Noorman Masrek, Dzul Haimi Mohd Zain, Muhamad Rahimi Osman, Muhamad Abdul Aziz Ab. Gani, Mohd Radzuan Mohd Rafee, Mohd Daud Abdul Rahim, Zarlina Mohd Zamari

An Intrinsic Case Study of Two-Dimensional Visual Art Appearance in Malaysia: A Checklist for Islamic Shariah View-Point

  • General Social Sciences
  • General Arts and Humanities

Visual art is a fast-expanding field in Malaysia, especially on the development and exploration of visual appearances in visual artworks. Based on the researchers’ observation, research which are focused on producing guidelines for rules and regulations in visual art from the Islamic perspective are scarce. In all, there is only one reference that is relevant to guidelines for visual art which was produced in 1987; no improvement is implemented since then. Moreover, the guideline covers matters pertaining visual appearance in general. For this paperwork, the objective is to produce a checklist for two-dimensional visual appearance in Malaysian Visual Art. Hermeneutic intrinsic case study is the research design applied and the researchers utilize systematic review approach as well as information from interviews with experts to learn about the practices in visual appearance in the current context. Results from both types of data are analyzed using the triangulation method to produce a two-dimensional visual appearance checklist. This checklist will be used in collecting Islamic Shariah perspectives with regards to current situations in visual art.

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