DOI: 10.33906/musicologist.1069010 ISSN: 2618-5652
İrem YALÇINER Current study based on considering, interpreting and analyzing Arnold Schoenberg’s perspective on tradition and innovation. Verklärte Nacht (1899), which he composed in his tonal period and thus shown as a traditionalist and Pierrot Lunaire (1912) in his free atonal period are discussed to show the composer's different approaches. With this article aimed to show that these approaches do not represent two separate periods and that they create a single style observed in the composer’s works in mutual relationship. Schoenberg's Op. 4 Verklärte Nacht and Op. 21 Pierrot Lunaire No. 8 Nacht explanations were made and interpreted in the context of tradition-innovation relations with descriptive analysis and literature review methods. In addition, tradition and innovation relations in his other works were examined. It is seen that composer still adhered to the 19th century tradition at some points; however, as he himself argues, it would not be right to put Schoenberg into specific style. When examined the different composing periods of the composer, it is possible discern that composer has diverse aspects. It should be noted that the traditionalist and innovative tendencies in the composer's works do not distinguish as simple as it is thought, and the composer should not be evaluated in terms of noncomplex. Results showed that Schoenberg was not a composer who adhered to a single theory or technique, but a versatile composer. Describing the composer as a completely traditionalist or radical innovator would be shortcut and deficient.
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