Raksmey Chan

An Empirical Study on the Needed Employability Skills in Post-Pandemic

  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)
  • Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous)
  • Social Psychology

Abstract A problem of skill mismatch has long been a global issue. The same is true for an emerging market like Cambodia where a large number of youths enter the job market every year. This study aims to investigate the most important employability skills in post pandemic viewed by students, employees and employers. The study also explores the needed skills at private, public and non-profit sectors, and the preparation of students on those competencies for making a comparison and synthesis. To fulfil the earlier objectives, the study applies survey questionnaires and in-depth interviews with 109 participants and 6 interviewees respectively. The findings demonstrate that Being professionally ethical, Being committed to work, and Technology Use are the three main employability skills demanded in the market. However, specific institutions may prefer other skills according to the nature of their work. The study also demonstrates that students possess a few limitations, namely Adaptability to change, Communication, Commitment to work and Advanced digital skills. These weaknesses would be a key message to students and other stakeholders to reconceptualize their current practice to fulfil the gaps.

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