An Ayurvedic approach in the management of vitreous floaters: A case report
Meghna Manik Phopaliya, Pravin M. Bhat- General Economics, Econometrics and Finance
Vitreous floater is a commonly found eye condition in patients who complain of visualizing non-existing figures such as hair lines, black spots, and webs. Vitreous floaters are a sign of degeneration of vitreous gel, which if left untreated may cause severe irritation in the visual field of the patient. In modern science, floaters are treated with oral administration of antioxidants and pars plana vitrectomy surgeries. Conventional treatment options are not affordable to all patients and they may cause postoperative complications. These complications include moderate-to-severe pathophysiologies such as posterior vitreous detachment, traction retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, macular edema, and full-thickness macular holes. A 56-year-old female patient who suffered from vitreous floaters was presented to