An Advanced Sensing Approach to Biological Toxins with Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy Based on Their Unique Protein Quaternary Structures
Hirotaka Uzawa, Satoshi Kondo, Takehiro Nagatsuka, Yasuo Seto, Yoshihiro NishidaBotulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs), ricin, and many other biological toxins are called AB toxins possessing heterogeneous A and B subunits. We propose herein a quick and safe sensing approach to AB toxins based on their unique quaternary structures. The proposed approach utilizes IgG antibodies against their A-subunits in combination with those human cell-membrane glycolipids that act as the natural ligands of B-subunits. In practice, an IgG antibody against the A-subunit of a target toxin is selected from commercially available sources and immobilized on the surface of Au nanoparticles to constitute a multivalent IgG/Au nanoconjugate. The derived IgG/Au conjugate is used in the pretreatment process of test samples for deactivating biological toxins in the form of a ternary toxin/antibody/Au complex. This process is implemented in advance to reduce the risk of handling biological toxins in laboratory work. On the other hand, the human glycolipid is immobilized on a tiny glass plate and used as a biosensor chip. The biosensor chip is set in the chamber of a flow sensing system using localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) spectrometry available in portable size at relatively low cost. In principle, the LSPR sensing system enables us to perform a rapid and selective detection for different kinds of biological toxins if the human glycolipid is correctly selected and installed in the sensing system. In the present LSPR sensing approach, a target AB toxin may have been deactivated during the pretreatment process. The test sample containing the deactivated AB toxin becomes a real target to be analyzed by the sensing system. In the present, we describe the concept of employing the commercially available IgG antibody in the pretreatment process followed by a typical procedure for converting it into the multivalent antibody/Au nanoconjugate and its preliminary applications in the LSPR detection of a ricin homologue (RCA120) and BoNTs in different serotypes. The tested LSPR sensing approach has worked very well for the ricin homologue and certain serotypes of botulinum neurotoxins like BoNT/A, indicating that the prior deactivation process at their A-domains causes no significant damage to the function of their B-domains with respect to determining the host cell-membrane glycolipid. The experimental results also indicated that LSPR responses from these pretreated AB toxins are significantly amplified. That is obviously thanks to the presence of Au nanoparticles in the multivalent IgG/Au nanoconjugate. We suggest in conclusion that the proposed LSPR sensing approach will provide us with a safe and useful tool for the study of biological AB toxins based on their unique quaternary protein structures.