DOI: 10.3390/electronics13163121 ISSN: 2079-9292

ALKU-Net: Adaptive Large Kernel Attention Convolution Network for Lung Nodule Segmentation

Juepu Chen, Shuxian Liu, Yulong Liu

The accurate segmentation of lung nodules in computed tomography (CT) images is crucial for the early screening and diagnosis of lung cancer. However, the heterogeneity of lung nodules and their similarity to other lung tissue features make this task more challenging. By using large receptive fields from large convolutional kernels, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can achieve higher segmentation accuracies with fewer parameters. However, due to the fixed size of the convolutional kernel, CNNs still struggle to extract multi-scale features for lung nodules of varying sizes. In this study, we propose a novel network to improve the segmentation accuracy of lung nodules. The network integrates adaptive large kernel attention (ALK) blocks, employing multiple convolutional layers with variously sized convolutional kernels and expansion rates to extract multi-scale features. A dynamic selection mechanism is also introduced to aggregate the multi-scale features obtained from variously sized convolutional kernels based on selection weights. Based on this, we propose a lightweight convolutional neural network with large convolutional kernels, called ALKU-Net, which integrates the ALKA module in a hierarchical encoder and adopts a U-shaped decoder to form a novel architecture. ALKU-Net efficiently utilizes the multi-scale large receptive field and enhances the model perception capability through spatial attention and channel attention. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art models on the public dataset LUNA-16, exhibiting considerable accuracy in the lung nodule segmentation task.

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