Alarming Signal from the Ear: Tinnitus, a Possible Epiphenomenon of Silent Hyperlipidaemia
Zsuzsanna Piros, Kristóf Kispál, Réka Szekeres, Barbara Takács, Rita Kiss, Adrienn Mónika Szabó, Dóra Ujvárosy, Zoltán Szabó, Zoltán Szilvássy, Rudolf Gesztelyi, Béla JuhászBackground/Objectives: Over the past few decades, many studies have been conducted to explore the link between tinnitus and lipid metabolism, yielding inconsistent results. In our current study, we compared the prevalence of various lipid metabolism abnormalities in patients with chronic subjective idiopathic tinnitus (CSIT) to the official prevalence data of dyslipidaemia in the general adult Hungarian population. To counteract the distorting effect of the co-increase in both conditions with age, we also examined this relationship by age groups. Methods: A total of 231 adult patients, suffering from CSIT, who underwent rheological treatment at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of the Clinical Center (University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary), were involved in a retrospective study. Total cholesterol, serum triglycerides, LDL-C, ApoB, HDL-C, ApoA, and Lp(a) were utilized. Results: For the aggregated data, we found that the occurrence of dyslipidaemia among our patients (78.35%) significantly exceeded the corresponding official data about the occurrence of dyslipidaemia in the whole adult Hungarian population (16.51%). This finding was supported by our age-specific approach and the results imply an association between CSIT and dyslipidaemia. This finding suggests an association between CSIT and dyslipidaemia. Conclusions: Considering the relationship between CSIT and dyslipidaemia suggested by our results, tinnitus could be an indicator of dyslipidaemia, even at a young age. Therefore, careful investigation of each tinnitus patient, along with a lipidological evaluation for those with CSIT, may be recommended. This approach could lower mortality from lipid-related diseases, particularly atherosclerosis and its complications, by serving as the first line of defence against a harmful and life-threatening lipid-related conditions.