Affirmation of 'SELF ' in Samuel Selvon ' S A Brighter Sun
N. NagabhushanamThe novelA Brighter Sun (1952), a debut novel by Samuel Selvon narrates the story of a sixteen-yearold ambitious Trinidadian of Indian ancestry, Tiger for self-affirmation of his identity. The novel desals with the social, racial and personal struggles of a young man, Tiger who settles in Barataria with his wife, Urmila. The story revolves around how Tiger and his wife come to terms with the creolized society, Barataria. The couple's Creole neighbors Joe Martin and Rita help Tiger and Urmila in the process of adjustment. Their stories are set against the broader background of the political situation in Trinidad. The building of the Churchill-Roosevelt Highway is described through the eyes of Tiger. The novel covers the period of the World War and is larger than just the personal lives of Tiger. By the end of the novel, Tiger comes to affirm his self very positively.