DOI: 10.3390/jne4030037 ISSN: 2673-4362

Advancements in Designing the DEMO Driver Blanket System at the EU DEMO Pre-Conceptual Design Phase: Overview, Challenges and Opportunities

Francisco A. Hernández, Pietro Arena, Lorenzo V. Boccaccini, Ion Cristescu, Alessandro Del Nevo, Pierre Sardain, Gandolfo A. Spagnuolo, Marco Utili, Alessandro Venturini, Guangming Zhou
  • General Medicine

The EU conducted the pre-conceptual design (PCD) phase of the demonstration reactor (DEMO) during 2014–2020 under the framework of the EUROfusion consortium. The current strategy of DEMO design is to bridge the breeding blanket (BB) technology gaps between ITER and a commercial fusion power plant (FPP) by playing the role of a “Component Test Facility” for the BB. Within this strategy, a so-called driver blanket, with nearly full in-vessel surface coverage, will aim at achieving high-level stakeholder requirements of tritium self-sufficiency and power extraction for net electricity production with rather conventional technology and/or operational parameters, while an advanced blanket (or several of them) will aim at demonstrating, with limited coverage, features that are deemed necessary for a commercial FPP. Currently, two driver blanket candidates are being investigated for the EU DEMO, namely the water-cooled lithium lead and the helium-cooled pebble bed breeding blanket concepts. The PCD phase has been characterized not only by the detailed design of the BB systems themselves, but also by their holistic integration in DEMO, prioritizing near-term solutions, in accordance with the idea of a driver blanket. This paper summarizes the status for both BB driver blanket candidates at the end of the PCD phase, including their corresponding tritium extraction and removal (TER) systems, underlining the main achievements and lessons learned, exposing outstanding key system design and R&D challenges and presenting identified opportunities to address those risks during the conceptual design (CD) phase that started in 2021.

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