Advanced Thermoelectric Performance of SWCNT Films by Mixing Two Types of SWCNTs with Different Structural and Thermoelectric Properties
Yutaro Okano, Hisatoshi Yamamoto, Koki Hoshino, Shugo Miyake, Masayuki TakashiriSemiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are significantly attractive for thermoelectric generators (TEGs), which convert thermal energy into electricity via the Seebeck effect. This is because the characteristics of semiconducting SWCNTs are perfectly suited for TEGs as self-contained power sources for sensors on the Internet of Things (IoT). However, the thermoelectric performances of the SWCNTs should be further improved by using the power sources. The ideal SWCNTs have a high electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient while having a low thermal conductivity, but it is challenging to balance everything. In this study, to improve the thermoelectric performance, we combined two types of SWCNTs: one with a high electrical conductivity (Tuball 01RW03, OCSiAl) and the other with a high Seebeck coefficient and low thermal conductivity (ZEONANO SG101, ZEON). The SWCNT inks were prepared by mixing two types of SWCNTs using ultrasonic dispersion while varying the mixing ratios, and p-type SWCNT films were prepared using vacuum filtration. The highest dimensionless figure-of-merit of 1.1 × 10−3 was exhibited at approximately 300 K when the SWCNT film contained the SWCNT 75% of SWCNT (ZEONANO SG101) and 25% of SWCNT (Tuball 01RW03). This simple process will contribute to the prevalent use of SWCNT-TEG as a power source for IoT sensors.