DOI: 10.3138/jelis-2022-0075 ISSN: 0748-5786

Admit One (Librarian): Current LIS Master's Admission Requirements from ALA-Accredited Programs

Sarah Voels
  • Library and Information Sciences
  • Education
  • Library and Information Sciences
  • Education

The Master's degree is a necessary step for any library and information science professional who wants to advance in the field. This requires potential students to go through the graduate school application process, which often includes additional requirements set by the School of Information (or equivalent college). Application requirements offer some way to potentially measure the likelihood of success should institutions choose to admit certain students. However, it is not a perfect process. There is also considerable overlap in the requirements expected from LIS programs accredited by the American Library Association. These differences are assessed after a careful examination of the admissions webpage of each program.

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