DOI: 10.31857/s102694520029379-7 ISSN: 1026-9452

Administrative discretion: some ideas based on the results of the discussion

Nikolai Tsukanov
  • Law

In the presented work, based on the analysis of a joint scientific article (in two parts) by well-known administrative scientists P.P. Serkov and Yu. P. Solovey, issues related to the concept and practical implementation of administrative discretion are considered. Attention is drawn to the multiplicity of possible approaches to the definition of the concept of “discretion”. Special attention is paid to its scientific and methodological significance, expressed in the ability to serve as a convenient angle for studying a variety of patterns. It is noted that the authors clearly and effectively used the general legal category “discretion” to describe an important industry problem, as a result of which the reader is offered an interesting and informative example of a scientific discussion of scientific and practical significance.

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