Addressing HIV vulnerability and promoting resilience among heterosexual Black men and communities in Ontario, Canada: A concept-mapping approach
Egbe Etowa, Kenneth Fung, Desmond Miller, Winston Husbands, Isaac Luginaah, Francisca Omorodion, Josephine Etowa, Josephine Wong- Psychiatry and Mental health
- Psychology (miscellaneous)
We used concept-mapping methods to gain insights into promising HIV prevention intervention strategies from the collective experience of heterosexual Black men (HBM) in four cities of Ontario. We engaged 60 HBM in online group concept-mapping sessions. First, we held a brainstorming session where the HBM generated 226 statements anonymously on strategies to reduce HIV vulnerabilities. The statements were condensed to 123. Second, the HBM ( n = 45) sorted the 123 statements into self-created categories. Third, the HBM rated the strategy statements by importance ( n = 45) and feasibility ( n = 41). Finally, cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling were used to describe data patterns. The statements cluster tagged “family and individual level interventions” had the highest mean rating in importance (4.061) and feasibility (3.610). The policy interventions cluster solution was rated second highest in importance (IR = 4.058) and the sixth in feasibility (FR = 3.413). Other cluster solutions ratings were addressing racism (third highest in importance [IR = 4.030] and fourth highest in feasibility [FR = 3.514]); healthcare, research, and economic opportunities (fourth highest in importance [IR = 4.018] and third highest in feasibility [FR = 3.526]); sexual health awareness strategies (fifth highest in importance [IR = 3.993] and highest in feasibility [FR = 3.611]) and sex/HIV education (sixth highest in importance [IR = 3.975] and fifth highest in feasibility [FR = 3.442]); and individual and community empowerment (lowest in importance [IR = 3.846] and lowest in feasibility [FR = 3.375]). Intergenerational (family and individual), policy, and anti-racism interventions are the top three priority strategies for HIV prevention and care for HBM and communities in Ontario.