Adaptive Fault-Tolerant distributed Systems for Real-Time Critical Workloads
Bipinkumar Reddy Algubelli, Sai Kiran Reddy MalikireddyFunctionality in fault-tolerant systems, particularly in maintaining dependability and availability of the actual time applications for various sectors, including but not limited to healthcare, aerospace, transportation, and industrial control systems, is indispensable. The systems should run continuously; there are breakup equipment and network and software glitches. This paper discusses the major concepts and the ways and issues associated with fault-tolerant distributed computing for real-time applications in safety-critical systems. The course notes emphasize that such measures as redundancy, replication, consensus algorithms, error detection, and recovery strategies ensure that system integrity is maintained even during failure modes and that real-time constraints are met. We consider using case analysis to exploit these approaches to apply such fault-tolerant infrastructures in various sectors as critical environments with an acute need for existing fault-tolerance mechanisms. Present-day problems such as scalability, performance in case of failures, and the effectiveness/cost ratio are also presented in the paper. Finally, future work in self-organizing and self-healing frameworks, which use machine learning, quantum computing, and other related technologies to minimize the effects of faults occurring in real-time distributed systems, is considered. This work highlights the role of building and designing infallible, high-availability system redundancy models to assure such systems' safety, speed, and uninterruptible functionality.