DOI: 10.5325/chaucerrev.60.1.0001 ISSN: 0009-2002
Adam Pinkhurst Goes to Berwick? A Life-Record for Adam Pynkherst, Archer
Daniel DaviesABSTRACT
This note introduces a life-record for Adam Pynkherst, King’s Archer. Kew, The National Archives, C 81/1063/18 is the Privy Seal warrant for a letter of protection granted to Adam Pynkherst for service in Berwick-upon-Tweed in 1393. The note contextualizes this warrant with reference to similar documents issued by the Privy Seal Office in the same time period before then suggesting that the document supports the hypothesis that Adam Pinkhurst the scribe and Adam Pynkherst the archer were two different people.