Accuracy of the Apple Watch Series 9 for Measures of Energy Expenditure and Heart Rate at Rest and During Exercise: Impact of Skin Pigmentation
Sydney E. Chase, Rebecca G. Liddell, Chloe L. McGonagle, Stephen J. IvesBackground: The Apple Watch provides promising health data that could aid in increasing exercise adherence; regular exercise can help individuals manage and prevent diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular disease. However, the impact of skin pigmentation on the accuracy of the Apple Watch Series 9 for measures of energy expenditure (EE) and heart rate (HR) is unknown. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of the Apple Watch Series 9 on various skin pigmentations for measures of EE and HR. Methods: Thirty young, healthy individuals were assigned to one of three groups based on their scores on the Fitzpatrick skin survey. Participants completed a 10 min treadmill protocol with varying speeds and inclines while wearing an Apple Watch Series 9, a two-way non-rebreathing mouthpiece connected to a Parvo Medics metabolic cart, and a Polar H7 chest strap to measure EE and HR. Results: Overall, EE was found to be inconsistent for all skin pigmentation groups. However, for HR, the Apple Watch Series 9 was more variable (i.e., less accurate) for darker skin pigmentations compared to lighter skin pigmentations. Conclusions: The Apple Watch Series 9 was found to vary in both EE and HR measures from criterion across intensity and skin pigmentation, with greater discrepancies for individuals in Group 3 for measures of HR. Further investigation might aim to study the impact of skin pigmentations and wrist subcutaneous fat on the accuracy of the latest Apple Watch Series 9 for measures of EE and HR.