DOI: 10.1161/circ.148.suppl_1.278 ISSN: 0009-7322

Abstract 278: Injuries and Outcomes Associated With Manual vs Mechanical CPR Post Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Connie Chen, Julian Sit, Jacob Keeley, Robert A Swor
  • Physiology (medical)
  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

Objectives: Mechanical CPR is increasingly being used for field out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) care. However, existing literature does not identify a survival benefit of mechanical versus manual CPR. We hypothesized that CPR related injury may impact patient outcomes. For that reason, our primary objective is to compare mechanical and manual CPR-related injury in resuscitated OHCA patients. Our secondary objective is to compare hospital outcomes including length of stay (LOS) and survival between these two CPR methods.

Methods: We performed a retrospective study of adult OHCA patients admitted to three teaching hospitals in Southeastern Michigan from 2017-2021. Resuscitated patients were matched to hospital electronic medical records (EMRs), included if they had CT imaging of chest or abdomen/pelvis, and then dichotomized by CPR method. Patients were excluded if no EMR match or CPR method was unknown. Hospital EMRs were queried for CT imaging results, LOS variables and survival to hospital discharge. Injuries are identified using hospital ICD-10 codes. Univariate statistics are reported.

Results: There were 808 patients admitted after OHCA, with 235 (103 mechanical CPR, 132 manual CPR) meeting the inclusion criteria. Demographics between groups were similar in age, gender, or body mass index (BMI). There were no abdominal/visceral injuries and few patients (4) had a pneumothorax. CPR associated injury was more common with manual CPR (28.8% vs 15.5%, p=0.02) and an increased rate of rib(s), sternum, or thoracic spine fracture (27.3% vs 14.6%, p=0.02). . We identified no differences in survival to hospital discharge (39 (29.5%) vs. 29 (28.2%), p=0.8), median hospital LOS, ICU LOS, and ventilator time between groups. Paradoxically amongst survivors, mechanical CPR was associated with longer LOS (15.7 vs 11.0 days, p=0.012) and a non-significant increased ventilator time (143 vs 99 hours, p=0.23).

Conclusion: We identified a higher rate of injury with manual CPR compared to mechanical CPR in resuscitated OHCA patients We also did not identify any association between CPR method and ICU LOS, ventilator time, and survival. Further work is needed to assess the impact on outcome of CPR method and injuries typically associated with resuscitation.

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