DOI: 10.1161/circ.148.suppl_1.17939 ISSN: 0009-7322

Abstract 17939: Predictors of Time in Target Range in a Comprehensive Self-Measured Blood Pressure Program in a Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Primary Care Population

Samir Shah, Maria Hartley, Jordan Rodriguez, Omar Cantu Martinez, Audry Chacin Suarez, Matthew Behme, Joshua A Copeland
  • Physiology (medical)
  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

Introduction: The Community Practice Center (CPC) in North Philadelphia serves a community with significant socioeconomic barriers leading to inability to access care necessary for management of hypertension (HTN). Prior studies have shown the efficacy of SMBP programs in improving blood pressure (BP) control.

Methods: All sequential patients presenting to the CPC with stage 2 HTN were screened for eligibility. Upon enrollment, patients received a Bluetooth-enabled BP cuff connected to a mobile health app and HTN education. Patients completed validated social and behavioral assessments including social determinants of health (SD)H) assessment via WellRx screen, depression screening (PHQ-9), and self-efficacy screening ( Self-Efficacy to Manage Chronic Disease Scale ). A behavior change plan was created using Brief Problem Solving Therapy based on the aforementioned assessments. Staff continuously monitored usage, BP, and provided individualized interventions. We conducted a cross-sectional quality improvement study using daily BP data from June 2022 - April 2023 to assess the correlation between baseline sociodemographic characteristics and Time in Target Range (TTR) through multivariable linear regression. We calculated TTR, defined as the percentage of time with systolic BP within 100-130 mmHg, through linear interpolation.

Results: A total of 133 patients were enrolled in the program. We analyzed data from 78 patients with ≥3 days of readings (average 33; SD 49) and complete baseline characteristics (Table 1). Female sex and non-smoking status were associated with TTR, while diabetes, positive depression screening, positive SDOH screening, and self-efficacy were not (Table 2).

Conclusions: In a socioeconomically disadvantaged population participating in a comprehensive SMBP program, depression, SDOH, and self-efficacy screening at time of enrollment did not predict TTR. Participation in a SMBP program may be valuable in these populations.

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