DOI: 10.1161/circ.148.suppl_1.17563 ISSN: 0009-7322

Abstract 17563: Serial ABPM, Antihypertensive Drug Treatment, and Pregnancy Outcomes in Women With Hypertension Found Early During Pregnancy

Ewa M Wojciechowska, Piotr Gryglas
  • Physiology (medical)
  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

Introduction: Few data are available on serial ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) throughout pregnancyand antihypertensive drug treatment required for good blood pressure (BP) control in hypertensivepregnant women.

Hypothesis: Evaluation of BP control, antihypertensive drug treatment intensity, and pregnancy outcomes in patients with hypertension (HTN) found early during pregnancy.

Methods: We studied 49 consecutive pregnant patients (mean age 33.4±4.8 years, BMI before pregnancy24.5±3.7 kg/m2) referred for office HTN found early during pregnancy who gave birth to 50 children (1 twin pregnancy) in 2011-2015. Gestational HTN was previouslydiagnosed in 39 women, and 9 women had a history of previous miscarriage or stillbirth, with multipleprevious pregnancies lost in some patients. ABPM was repeated at 5-10-15-20-25-30-33-35-37 weeksof pregnancy. We calculated overall antihypertensive treatment intensity in standard daily drug doses per patient (standard doses: labetalol 200 mg, methyldopa 750 mg, metoprolol 50 mg, nifedipine 20mg, verapamil 120 mg). Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA.

Results: All children were born alive (24 vaginal delivery, 26 cesarean section) and are well at follow-up.Gestational age was 38.0±2.5 (range 29-40) weeks, and birth weight was 3215±653g (range 955-4200). Preeclampsia/eclampsia occurred in 10/3 patients. Four patients had normal BP values by ABPM throughout pregnancy and did not receive antihypertensive drugs. Most patients were treatedwith labetalol and methyldopa. Throughout pregnancy, BP remainedwell controlled (24h mean SBP/DBP 120.3-126.0/75.3-77.1 mmHg), the number of treated patientsincreased from 25 at 5 weeks to 42 at 25-35 weeks, and the average number of daily antihypertensivedrug doses in treated pts increased from 1.82 at 5 weeks to 2.98 at 37 weeks.

Conclusions: Serial ABPM-guided antihypertensive drug treatment started early during pregnancywas associated with favorable outcomes. The number of patients requiring treatment increased throughout the pregnancy. No physiological BP fall atthe end of 1 st trimester was observed. Our findings help estimate the expected treatment intensity required in pregnant patients with preexisting hypertension.

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