DOI: 10.1161/circ.148.suppl_1.16169 ISSN: 0009-7322

Abstract 16169: Use of Ramen in Heart Failure: Correction of Severe Hyponatremia With Salt Intake

Gabriela Narowska, Brianna Graham, Hugh Davis, Estefania Oliveros, Jean Lee
  • Physiology (medical)
  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

Background Hyponatremia (Na<136mmol) is the most common electrolyte imbalance in patients with heart failure (HF) and is associated with increased mortality, morbidity and rehospitalizations. The mechanisms of hyponatremia in heart failure are multifold and include an increased sympathetic tone and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system, salt and water retention in the proximal and distal tubules, high antidiuretic hormone coupled low glomerular filtration rate and diuretic use. We present a case highlighting the complexity of sodium balance in acute decompensated heart failure.

Case Presentation A 65-year-old female with a medical history of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (EF 60-65%), pulmonary hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and CKD presented to the Emergency Department with volume overload. We began diuresis with bumetanide on hospital day 1 (HD#), however given inadequate urine output chlorthalidone was added on HD #5 and metolazone on HD #7. On admission, her sodium was 134 and down trended to a low of 121 on HD#13. She had worsening BUN/Cr from 62/2.14 at admission to a peak 135/2.66. She developed oral intake intolerance, asterixis and encephalopathy. The management changed to halting diuretics, fluid restriction, and hypertonic saline without improvement. Urine electrolytes were used to tailor treatment, leading to cessation of hypertonic saline stopped and introducing Ramen (875 mg of Na) and salt tablets (394 mg of Na). While maintaining euvolemia, there was resolution of symptoms and improvement in Na=134, BUN 49, Cr 1.16.

Discussion Treatment options for hyponatremia in HF, such as water restriction or the use of hypertonic saline with loop diuretics, have limited efficacy. The use of high oral salt intake with close monitoring of jugular vein pressure, weight, symptoms, and urine electrolytes can help a select group of patients with hyponatremia and advance heart failure despite traditional knowledge.

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