DOI: 10.1161/circ.148.suppl_1.13492 ISSN: 0009-7322

Abstract 13492: Optimal Fluoroscopy Views and Catheter Selection for Coronary Angiography in Porcine Models

Swaiman Singh, Skylar Rizzo, Tyra A Witt, Mary Nagel, Paul Stalboerger, Atta Behfar
  • Physiology (medical)
  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

Coronary angiography is the gold standard for the diagnosis and treatment of epicardial coronary artery disease. Further, it is an essential tool for conduction of translational cardiac research on large animal models, in the development of novel cardiac therapies. While in humans coronary angiography has an exceedingly low mortality rate; in pigs, procedural mortality has been reported as high as 15%, likely due to unsuitable variations in angiographic techniques. Porcine models are used due to the resemblance of cardiac function and anatomy to humans. However, procedural guidelines delineating proper equipment to be used for angiography in this model has yet to be systematically assessed.

Aims: To evaluate clinically common catheters for their utility in the safe engagement of the coronary vessels in pigs. Establish optimal workflow and fluoroscopy views for safe coronary artery engagement and angiography.

Method/Results: Percutaneous superficial femoral artery access was acquired via ultrasound guidance and subsequent cardiac catheterization was performed in sus domesticus weighing 35-50 kg. Catheters that were tested included the JL 2.5, JL3.0, JR 3.0, AR1, AL1, MPA1, Champ1, 3DRC, hockey stick and RCB (5-7 french) operated over a standard .035 J tip wire. AP views were optimum to engage both the left and right coronary vessels. Only AR1, 3DRC, and hockey stick catheters successfully engaged the RCA, while all catheters tested could successfully engage the LCA. AR1 was noted to be the best for RCA engagement and AL1 for Left system engagement. AR1 was also the most succesful in engagement of both LM and RCA in same pig. AL1 provided the most stable engagement for Left coronary system. AR1/JL were better for LAD intervensions. AL1 is best for LCX intervensions

Conclusion: We present a systematic description of percutaneous coronary angiographic procedures highlighting that AL for the LCA and AR for the RCA are the best choice of catheters for fastest and safest engagement of the coronary arteries limiting both radiation time and contrast use. While variations in anatomy can mandate changes in angiographic angles and catheter techniques, AP visualization and use of AL and AR catheters provided the most consistent and effective approach for porcine angiography.

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