DOI: 10.1161/circ.148.suppl_1.13368 ISSN: 0009-7322

Abstract 13368: Availability of PGE1 in Northern California Hospitals: Before and After Routine CCHD Screening

Lesje DeRose, Hitendra Patel
  • Physiology (medical)
  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

Introduction: Fetal echocardiogram and critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) screening has improved early detection of CCHD. CCHD screening has been recommended for all infants since 2011 and mandated in California since July 2013. In patients with suspected ductal dependent congenital heart disease, early intervention with prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) is the standard of care to reduce morbidity and mortality.

Hypothesis: In 2004, we assessed the availability of PGE1 in Northern California hospitals that care for newborn infants and found that 32% of hospitals with obstetric services did not have the ability to institute PGE1 infusion. As California has adopted CCHD screening for all newborn infants prior to hospital discharge, our aim was to assess the percentage of hospitals that perform CCHD screening as well as reassess PGE1 availability. Our hypothesis was that CCHD screening would increase the availability of PGE1 at hospitals providing obstetric services.

Methods: The initial study contacted 117 Northern California hospitals to determine PGE1 availability. We contacted the same hospitals, ending up with 106 hospitals due to closures and mergers. The newborn nursery and/or NICU for each of these hospitals was contacted to determine CCHD screening practices and availability of PGE1. Mileage to the nearest level IV NICU was used as a gross estimate of distance to a tertiary care center.

Results: In 2004, 92 of 117 hospitals had obstetric service, and 30 (32.6%) of those did not have PGE1. In this study, 74 of the 106 provided obstetric services. All performed CCHD screening, but 15 (20.3%) did not have ability to provide PGE1 infusion. 8 of the 15 hospitals were more than 30 miles (range 1.5 - 192 miles) from the closest level IV NICU.

Conclusions: All hospitals in Northern California providing obstetric service are performing CCHD screening. However, 20.3% of these hospitals still do not have the ability to administer PGE1 infusion. Of these, 53% were in suburban and rural areas of Northern California, with significant transportation distance to a tertiary care center. Delay in initiating PGE1 infusion in patients with ductal dependent CCHD may lead to morbidity or mortality, and increasing PGE1 availability is an opportunity to improve access to care.

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