DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.133.240203 ISSN: 0031-9007

Absolute Dimensionality of Quantum Ensembles

Alexander Bernal, Gabriele Cobucci, Martin J. Renner, Armin Tavakoli

The dimension of a quantum state is traditionally seen as the number of superposed distinguishable states in a given basis. We propose an absolute, i.e., basis-independent, notion of dimensionality for ensembles of quantum states. It is based on whether a quantum ensemble can be simulated with states confined to arbitrary lower-dimensional subspaces and classical postprocessing. In order to determine the absolute dimension of quantum ensembles, we develop both analytical witness criteria and a semidefinite programming criterion based on the ensemble’s information capacity. Furthermore, we construct explicit simulation models for arbitrary ensembles of pure quantum states subject to white noise, and in natural cases we prove their optimality. Also, efficient numerical methods are provided for simulating generic ensembles. Finally, we discuss the role of absolute dimensionality in high-dimensional quantum information processing.

Published by the American Physical Society 2024

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