About the Problem of Economic Efficiency of Project Management and Lean Production at Industrial Enterprises (Exampled by Ship Repairing Industry)
Aleksey Novikov- General Medicine
The article is devoted to the project management efficiency problems of industrial enterprises (exampled by ship repairing industry). Positive and negative examples of project management are observed, and also the variants for creating the project offices “from above” (via corporate managing company) and “from below” (in one of the corporate “daughter” companies, followed by the extension of the positive experience to all the corporate companies). The analysis of the influence of the lean manufacturing project office for the economics of one of the shipbuilding companies is made. It is found out that in spite of the project office rapid development, the influence of the projects on the company economics is left minimal due to the cost-based pricing method, whereas the company is not interested in costs reduction. It is offered to form the key parameters of the project management (economic effects, business processes optimization directions) on the base of strategic and operative needs of the company, by using the mathematical models of the Industrial Potential, that would lead to getting rid of the “abstract” corporate key performance indicators and connect the project management measures with operative and strategic management.