DOI: 10.1302/1358-992x.2023.10.005 ISSN: 1358-992X


Daniel Church, Jessica Pawson, Catherine Hilton, Joanna Fletcher, Rebecca Wood, Jade Brien, Alexandros Vris, Alexis-Dimitris Iliadis, Katey Collins, Jamie Lloyd


External fixators are common surgical orthopaedic treatments for the management of complex fractures and in particular, the use of circular frame fixation within patients requiring limb reconstruction. It is well known that common complications relating to muscle length and patient function without rehabilitation can occur. Despite this there remains a lack of high-quality clinical trials in this area investigating the role of physiotherapy or rehabilitation in the management of these patients. We aim to complete a systematic review of rehabilitation techniques for patients undergoing external fixator treatment for Limb Reconstruction of the lower limb.

Materials & Methods

A comprehensive search of AMED, CINAHL, MEDLINE and COCHRANE databases was conducted to identify relevant articles for inclusion, using a search strategy developed in collaboration with a research librarian. Inclusion criteria consisted of adults aged 18 years and over who have experienced leg trauma (open fracture, soft tissue damage), elective leg deformity corrective surgery, bone infection or fracture non-union who have been treated with the use of an external fixator for fixation. Specific exclusion criteria were patients below the age of 18 years old, patients with cancer, treatment of the injury with internal nail, patients who underwent amputation, the use of external fixators for soft tissue contracture management, editorials, comment papers, review papers, conference proceedings and non-English papers.

Titles, abstracts, and full texts were screened for suitability by pairs of reviewers according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria using Rayyan QCRI online software. Any conflicts were resolved through discussion with three independent specialist senior reviewers. Following full text screening, references lists of included articles were manually searched to ensure that all relevant studies were identified. Due to lack of evidence, forward searching was also completed for studies included in the review. Data quality was assessed using the mixed methods appraisal tool and the CERT assessment tool was utilised to look at completeness of reporting of exercise interventions.


A total number of 832 articles were initially retrieved from our search once duplicate articles removed. After title and abstract screening, 45 articles remained for full text screening. Of these, 11 articles met our inclusion criteria and included for data extraction.


We expect high variability of results due to our inclusion criteria and therefore plan to conduct a narrative synthesis to summarise the findings whilst measing against the mixed methods appraisal tool and CERT assessment scores to assess the data quality. We anticipate lower assessment scores within the fewer articles found and therefore poorer-quality data. We currently are in the process of finalising this data extraction. This will be completed ready for submission and potential presentation at the BLRS conference in March 2023.

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