DOI: 10.52711/2454-2660.2023.00038 ISSN: 2454-2660

A Study to Evaluate the effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching on Anxiety Level among patients undergoing Upper Gi Endoscopy in selected hospital at Rajkot

Rajal Chandrakantbhai Joshi, Suneesh P. M, Jeenath Justin Doss K.

A Study to evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on anxiety level among patients undergoing upper GI endoscopy at selected hospital at Rajkot. The objectives of the study was (a) To assess the pre-test and post-test level of anxiety regarding upper GI Endoscopy among patients of experimental group. (b) To assess the pre-test and post-test level of anxiety regarding upper GI Endoscopy among patients of control group. (c) To evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching by comparing pre-test and post-test level of anxiety of experimental and control group undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. (d) To compare the post-test score of anxiety level among patients undergoing upper GI endoscopy between experimental and control group. (e) To find out the association between selected demographic variables and pre-test level of anxiety among patients undergoing upper GI Endoscopy. The research approach selected for the study was quantitative research. Research design is Quasi experimental: Non randomized control group design. The study conducted at selected hospital at Rajkot. Total 60 sample selected from hospital at Rajkot setting based on non probability purposive sampling technique. The researcher used HAM-A scale for data collection regarding demographic variables and pre-test. As part of my intervention HAM-A scale was given to patients of age group of 16-47 and above undergoing upper GI endoscopy at setting and the post-test score was measured with same HAM-A scale after 30 minutes at the same day. The collected data were analyzed by using inferential statistical method. T test was used to evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on anxiety level on patients undergoing upper GI endoscopy. The effectiveness of VAT on anxiety level among patients undergoing upper GI endoscopy experimental group pre-test mean 23.03 and post-test mean 12.56, the mean difference is 10.47 and the standard deviation pre-test 5.93 and post-test 7.34 obtaind. “t“value is 6.087** with degree of freedom 29(P=1.699)highly significant at 0.05 level of significance. Control group mean pre-test score is 24.83 and mean post-test score is 24.46. The mean difference is 0.37. Standard deviation of pre-test score is 3.75 and the post-test is 3.36. The obtained ‘t’ value is 0.404 with degree of freedom 29(1.699) 0.05 level of significance. Hence VAT is an effective source of imparting knowledge.

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